
How To ALPHA Test The New GameDev.tv Experience

This is a quick and simple process to let you get up and running to test and take your courses on our new site.

IMPORTANT! This site is in ALPHA, Proceed With Caution

While we believe the course taking experience has been elevated and is better than our current site, you will encounter issues if you decide to use this platform. We are in ALPHA, and there are a few areas that have not been thoroughly tested. 
Here are the known issues: 

  • The homepage is entirely placeholder content. 
  • Course and product sales pages are missing content. 
  • You may encounter visual or graphical glitches around the site. 
  • None of the asset packs have been migrated, you wont be able to access them yet. 
  • You cannot purchase new products (yet).

Step 1 - Reset Your Password

Your account and purchase history has already been migrated, but for security reasons we could not migrate your password. So all that you need to do is simply reset it. THIS WILL NOT CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD ON GAMEDEV.TV, it will only change on this new Alpha experience.

Step 2 - Check Your Email

Click on the link in your email to verify ownership of your account and choose a new password. This will let you log in to the new platform and take your courses there.

Step 3 - Verify Your Content

Once you log in, click on the "My Products" link in the top right. Take a second to browse your library and make sure all of your content is there. Then start learning!

And That's It!

We're excited to transition from our current platform, Teachable, to our custom-built learning environment designed specifically for game development enthusiasts like you. This migration marks a milestone in our journey to provide game developers everywhere with an enhanced learning experience, tailored to meet the unique needs of game development education.  
If you encounter any issues or have questions, our dedicated support team is here to assist you every step of the way. Let's make this move together, and continue your journey to becoming a game dev expert!