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Top 7 Game Dev Myths Explored

All I Need Is A Good Idea To Make A Good Game - 42:57 We hope exploring these 7 game dev myths will help with your game dev journey. “Realistic Graphics Means A Better Game” (22:29 - 26:35) Some get into game dev thinking more realistic graphics means a better game. com/GameDevTV https://www.

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Have you ever questioned your ability to make a game? Maybe you’re concerned the hardware you own isn’t good enough? If so, keep reading (and watch the Livecast!) as we explore the top 7 game dev myths

Laurie (Avocado Fire) joins Rick Davidson & Tim Ruswick* to discuss these 7 game dev myths and address any concerns that you have.

(*Rick has more than 14 years experience in the game dev industry, working on IP's that include Mario, Transformers, Captain America and Mortal Kombat. He's done it all, from Game Designer, Producer, Creative Director and Executive Producer to GameDev.tv's very own Instructor extraordinaire).

Listen to the whole chat here: https://youtu.be/G2tXQ_Podp8 and see below for all 7 game dev myths.

Our 'AHA' moments

  • Laurie is ‘good’ at Flappy Bird 🙄
  • You don’t need to be a master of all game dev aspects
  • Hardware doesn’t matter
  • Graphics isn't everything

“I’m Not Good At Art/Music/Sound/Programming, I Can’t Make A Game” (6:57 - 17:48)

Lots of game devs question their ability to make games because they don’t believe they’re good enough. This isn’t true, people get better at things the more they practise. Each time you practise you’re improving your skill.

If you don’t have time or patience to practise, there’re plenty of avenues online to get stuff needed to build games. This includes art, music & sound, programming assets such as character controllers and other resources that’ll help you with your games.

Successful games don’t need to be highly technical, take Flappy Bird for example. It had a lot of commercial success despite the mechanics and artwork being very simple. Other simple games that have done well include Simple Town and Subway Surfers.

“I Don’t Have The Right Hardware” (17:48 - 19:48)

What if I was to say you don’t need a computer or laptop to start making games? You’d think I was talking rubbish, right? You can use Scratch and Construct game engines from any device that has a browser, whether that is a phone, tablet or even a smart fridge…

However, if you want to use game engines that you download (Unity & Unreal) you’ll need a laptop/computer.

Any off the shelf laptop/computer can get you started with Unity & Unreal. Obviously, higher end hardware will perform better and produce faster results but you’ll be surprised at what you can do with an off the shelf purchase.

“Realistic Graphics Means A Better Game” (22:29 - 26:35)

Some get into game dev thinking more realistic graphics means a better game. This isn’t true at all, whilst there’re some amazing games with great graphics, there’s also incredible games with what some would consider lesser graphics.

Stylized graphics can be as impressive as hyper realistic graphics, they’re also easier and quicker to make. With some Triple A games it can take months just to create a single character, something that can take a considerably less amount of time by keeping the graphic stylized.

The graphical style does depend on the type of game you’re making.

Top 7 Game Dev Myths Explored

Find all 7 game dev myths with these handy timestamps

  1. I Have To Play A Lot Of Games To Make Games - 1:25
  2. I’m Not Good At Art/Music/Sound/Programming, So I Can’t Make A Game - 6:57
  3. I Don’t Have The Right Hardware, So I Can’t Make A Game - 17:48
  4. Realistic Graphics Means A Better Game - 22:29
  5. Making A Game Is Easy - 34:03
  6. Making A Game Is Hard - 35:55
  7. All I Need Is A Good Idea To Make A Good Game - 42:57

We hope exploring these 7 game dev myths will help with your game dev journey. Check out the Livecast for all 7 game dev myths.

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Remember, we host live develogy livecasts every Tuesday at 10pm BST on our YouTube channel. You can catch all the recordings, including this episode, in the Devology Livecast course - it's free to join, and also on our YouTube Channel.

Until next time, happy dev'ing!

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